Today on a rainy day, while studying with a friend the power of prayers and our connection to the Divine the subject came back to my awareness and I had to say outload what I have been thinking consciously and unconsciously for weeks now. If there is a God why all these atrocities are happening ? I especially connected with the Israelian families of the hostages and with the children and families in Palestine and in Lebanon. I am sure many of them if not all do pray to ask God for help. So why is help not coming ? Why is there even more and more atrocities ? Why, why, why ?
It is not the first time in my life I am faced with this issue. Unfortunately there have always been wars and horrible crimes done to innocent people. The answer I have had from the other realms is that there is a greater plan that we have no knowledge of. And we should just trust. Other times I had the answer of karma. If this is happening to this family now how do you know if they hadn’t committed the same atrocities in a previous life ?
Ok ok… but nowadays it is too much. It feels we are in a horror movie. The horror increases almost every hour. I do need something else. I am losing myself, my soul, my connection. I need help.
I did express loudly that I doubted God. And the power of prayer.
And then we moved on with the study of the text we were reading with my friend.
And then, suddenly, I felt a huge shift of energy and my heart chakra completely opened.
I had to immediately stop the studies. I was receiving a message- directly from “the boss”…
“My child what is happening righ now in the Middle East is an act of great love. All these souls that are leaving sacrificed themselves for humanity as a wake up call (yes the Divine sometimes uses my harsh vocabulary). These times are over. All this needs to stop and the whole humanity as to decide to stop it. And only by reaching to the highest point of atrocity will humanity wake up and decide to definitively end all this. You are almost there. I ask you to keep Faith and trust what is no matter what. Know that these souls that are leaving now will be greatly celebrated and will have amazing lives after.
Please don’t doubt. You cannot doubt the love of the Supreme. As doubting is giving power to all these atrocities. Believe in Me. Believe in My love and send it to them.
After channeling this message outloud my friend and I bursted into tears.
The power of love that we felt was so huge that it took us a while to “go back to normal”.
Of course ! How can we doubt when we know the huge power of love of the Divine.
An amazing teaching that I wanted to share with you today.
The mind can always find “but” things but if you read these lines you will feel the Love of God for us, humans. This infinite Love that nothing can stop or destroy.
And remember life is an university and we are here to remember God, our Divine nature. So as bad children we can go into very dark places so to then remember the love and consciously bring it back on Earth.
It reminds me of a story in the Bible I grossly remember (and I don’t remember the name of the passage !).
A King had 2 boys and decided to give the sacred lamb to his best son. He gave them both the same amount of money so to see whom will deserve the lamb. One was a devoted one keeping repeating by heart all the verses he had learnt. Being a perfect son. He invested the money and kept doing rituals every day. The other one left the kingdom and went getting drunk, going with prostitutes and gambling. He lost all the money and came back to his father’s kingdom with nothing. The father gave him the lamb. Why ? Because he wasn’t just repeating the verses and repeating a behavior without really understanding its meaning, he went his own way and came back to “the Father”. He made the choice.
I love this story. It is exactly what is happening with us on Earth, during our lives here. We are here to return to God with our free will and having learnt from our experiences, good or bad and even extremely bad for some.
So the message of today from the Divine and all Its messengers is KEEP FAITH. DON’T DOUBT. AND SEND ALL YOUR LOVE to these people suffering right now. Instead of doubting and judging God. This is where your power is.