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Writer's pictureSofie Ka

Let’s face our shadows !

Hello everyone !

Do you feel overwelmed, like all the problems are happening to you right now ? Old emotions, old wounds, old fears coming back to the surface ?

Do not worry, it is normal. Welcome to the Eclipse season !

The Eclipses are here to help us grow and release the unecessary things in our lives.

A few weeks ago there was a full moon and a lunar eclipse : “getting rid of the past” was the main message. It shook a lot !

This coming Wednesday, the 2nd of October, we have a new moon and a solar eclipse. Yeah ! This time we are invited to deeply let go of what is not serving us, old patterns and false beliefs about ourselves.

I have noticed that many women feel shame and guilt for some of their behaviors or when they made ”a mistake” regarding a man or any relationship : ” I knew it ! I didn’t listen to myself. I am sooo stupid. What a shame”. “ I slept with him after 2 dates and he dumped me after. I hate myself”, “I wish I could be more attuned to myself and less stupid”, and so on…

All these thoughts can be called our shadows. We reject these parts of ourselves that don’t express the best version of ourselves or idea we have about ourselves.

As a Medium I received the strong intuition that with this great energetic portal Wednesday we should heal and transmute these shadows. And to help us, Master Saint Germain, an Ascended master (spiritual Guide) proposed to help us in this process with the Violet flame.

Ok some of you may now be lost when I am talking about Ascended Master and a flame. I understand you and well I guess you can stop reading from now ;-). All that I can say is that we are not just humans, we are beings of energy and we have a team around us to help us in our lives on Earth. We are not on Earth only to have a job, a husband, children, a house and a dog (cliché) but also to ascend and find the divine in us. To find love in ourselves and be free. Angels, Ascended Masters and Guides are here to help us remember who we truly are so that we can live our life to its full potential.

The violet flame is a powerful energetic tool shared by Master Saint Germain. This energy cleans our auras and help to release what is not serving us anymore. I invite you to have a look on Internet if you wish to know more about it.

So… Wednesday the 2nd of October at 11am CDMX I am doing an online workshop. I invite you to step into the transformative energy of the Solar eclipse on October 2nd with me. Embrace the power of the Violet Flame and Master Saint Germain to heal and release your shadows. If all this resonate with you, join us for this incredible opportunity to grow and evolve !

Duration : 1h

Cost: £10 or $13.

To register :

Have a beautiful day !

With love,


I am Sofie Ka, a French Medium, Channel and Akashic Records reader. I work online with clients worldwide and I help them release what is not serving them, connect to their spiritual Guides and find their true self. I also communicate with the deceased loved ones and help to make peace and find closure with their departure. I speak 3 languages : French, English and Spanish.

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